Watch Joe Bonamassa Talk Upcoming Jones Beach Show, Guitars And A Lot More

August 19th, 2022 Joe Bonamassa Kenny Wayne Shepherd and Jason Bonham’s Led Zeppelin Evening play Jones Beach. Watch our Zoom call with Joe to talk about the show, guitars and a lot more.

August 19th, 2022 Joe Bonamassa Kenny Wayne Shepherd and Jason Bonham’s Led Zeppelin Evening play Jones Beach.

Recently Joe did a Zoom call with us to discuss the show.

He talked about if there will be any jamming between acts when they hit the beach.

As Joe is an avid collector, we discussed a bit about guitars.

In fact, as soon as the video connected for our call, Joe saw my guitars and started discussing them immediately.

I had to actually interrupt him so that we could start the interview.

Joe also told a great story about a guitar he acquired from a restaurant.

Part of the conversation was about Joe’s Keeping The Blues Alive cruises and the fund they help raise money for.

We also had a chance to talk Joe’s latest album “Time Clocks” which made a record setting 25th #1 album for Joe on Billboard’s Blues Charts.

Watch our conversation below and make sure you grab tickets to see Joe with Kenny Wayne Shepherd and Jason Bonham’s Led Zeppelin Evening at Jones Beach on August 19th, 2022.

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