Don’t Forget, Get Checked!

106.1 BLI, 102.3 WBAB and South Shore University Hospital Remind You...Don’t Forget, Get Checked

The concern over the Covid-19 pandemic has caused many people to neglect their regular healthcare screenings. It’s more important than ever to make sure you “Don’t Forget and Get Checked” on a regular basis so you can prevent and stay on top of issues like cancer, high blood pressure, heart disease, dental health, eye health, and more.

Lung Cancer

Lung cancer claims more lives than breast, colon, and prostate cancer combined. Fight back. If you’re a smoker over 50 or quit in the past 15 years, get a lung cancer screening today. Because the sooner you detect it, the better your chances of defeating it.


Of the more than 10 million Americans with osteoporosis, 80% are women.

If you’re over 65, past menopause, or have other risk factors, ask your doctor about getting a bone density screening. They’re fast, accurate, and help determine bone strength.

It’s the first step in maintaining strong healthy bones for years to come.

Breast Cancer

What’s the second deadliest cancer among American women? Breast cancer.

Women have a one-in-eight chance of developing it in their lifetime and early detection is the best defense.

If you’re 40 and over, speak with your doctor to schedule your annual mammogram.

This page is sponsored by South Shore University Hospital and Northwell Health